#1 Re: Android Game » Bug in editing/creating dares » 2011-09-15 03:39:16

I too am having trouble with editing dares and making new ones, I am on HTC desire.I also would like the option to exclude all anal dares from games... if this is possible that would be very good. I love this app...

#2 Re: Online Game » Online game » 2011-05-03 10:44:47

It would be great to have an online version you could play with other people from around the world... maybe have webcam functionality, or even just be able to play live with other single players from around the world or your own country. People could post up pics of their completed dares and the other players would see them to verify the dare was either done or not. also... the number of adds and pop up type adds on here is terrible, the site could definitely benefit from a few code changes to tidy things up like scroll bars because the page is too long to fit in a normal browser with all the adds on it. I use Firefox & Internet Explorer and both have the same issues when loading the sites pages up.... just some food for thought...

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